rainy season in Florence limited outdoor activites. Ive been working at ganzo (http://www.ganzoflorence.it/ganzo.html) two days a week as a waiter. Ganzo is staffed completely by students (besides the manager, chefs and bartender) and uses alot of our affiliated art schools material and design. With prices much lower than usual for the type of food theyLast month or so has been pretty similar. No big trips besides a weekend at the beach. A long serve its a good place to go eat and a relaxed place to hang out. Ill put some of the menu up here next time but the food is excellent and very gourmet. One interesting experience was late one night during service two Itlalian ladies came in with badges and demanded to see everyones passport and permission to stay. Not one person had them. So we all hurried to call people to bring them or headed home (and some live far away). I was an immigrant worker and I was getting my papers checked! Because no one had them they called the polizia and they hung out until everyone came back with the paperwork. I dont know if they were going to take the ones who didnt have it or what. The last couple weeks have been very hot and the streets are completely full of tourists (think all the RVs on Alaskan highways in the summer). Been playing more basketball and starting to plan out my travels for after school. Definitely going to Rome, Paris, London and Barcelona but have too fill out my plans more. When I get back to Alaska Im going to stay with my dad for a little bit and meet my nephew, then head back to Fairbanks. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Ganzo pics
Ganzo looks cool.
Its a fun place to work. Ganzo is slang for "cool"
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