Monday, February 25, 2008

Slow week

I finally put pics on the last post. Ive been having trouble with the internet here lately. Its getting warmer here after a couple weeks of cold nights. Havent done much, just playing basketball, going to class and going out with friends once in a while. Looking to go on some trips soon. Classes have been good, we have been cooking alot more things than last semester. We made some really good creme filled pastries last monday, then on tuesday we made a creme and onion sauce and a balsamic vinegar caramel (that was really cool to make) to go with a seared veal filet that we rolled around in spices and wrapped in italian bacon (so different and 1000 times better than american bacon) and braised in balsamic until tenderand also a vanilla bean gelato. We actually used the vanilla beans and scraped the seeds out to use to make the gelato. We but the balsamic caramel on the gelato and it was excellent. The veal was great too. On thursday for creative cuisine we made a stew and polenta and cheese ravioli. Both of those were excellent also. Today im planning on actually buying one of the bikes ive been looking at and tomorrow im going to the Into the Wild Alaska movie that is showing in the theater here, with some friends.


sprucewolf said...

good to see the food channel is back up. hope your internet gets hooked up soon.

Anonymous said...

RJ went to a laker game and Kobie got ejected......he was pissed, It was in seatle,he looked for the poppie girl.

jumpingcrane said...

Hey Sean, I meant to ask if you get to eat what you make. Hope your bike has a light for the night cruise home along the river from the park.

My travels